16 November 2009

homes: schoonhoven, holland

we had to show you some images of this beautiful house
featured in the december issue of Elle Decoration

owned by artist & interior designer Monique Meij-Beekman,
the former bakery has been transformed with dark colours,
natural materials and carefully chosen furniture & accessories.

dark & chalky greys
distressed wood
granite & stone
bare tree branches

most certainly our kind of rustic aesthetic

Monique's shop, Voorhaven 7, is below her apartment
and is a showcase for her artwork and interior work.
you can visit her website here

the beautiful images of her home were taken by
photographer Jan Luijk - more here

{p.s. hope you all enjoyed your weekend}

{p.p.s. thankyou to everyone that came to see us at Art Bazaar}


  1. This is my dream house! Thanks so much for sharing these images. That third image down is pure heaven to me! xo

  2. gigi - we love the colours she has chosen, greys and blacks go so well with wood.
    there are a few more pictures of the house on the photographers website too.

  3. This is the kind of look we are hoping to achieve in our house, although it will take ages... maybe not the first photo, but definitely the bedroom and kitchen. Love things like this.

  4. hello, what a coincidence!! We share the same taste for natural colors and products, you got a very nice blog here that I have added to my blogroll!!

    This house is amazing indeed...

  5. about that house,so beautiful,very wabi-sabi-especially nice to snuggle down in through the winter months,come the spring add a touch of astringent colour maybe in a leaf bud,cushion or shade,in summer just hang linen on the windows that will move with a gentle breeze and autumn just some harvested fruit in a bowl and maybe skye gyngall 's book, a year in my kitchen, for some beautiful warming soul food.Patsy

  6. glad you like the house patsy and love your description of how you would adapt it with the changing seasons, beautiful.
